Wednesday, March 26, 2014

22 Weeks down, 14 Weeks Left!

Running has been on my mind with the milder temperatures, and missing 5-10 hours of girl time weekly!  So I plan to ride the bike with the gals for their long run on Sunday!  WOO HOO!!!  I am enjoying the better weather by getting out for some short walks with Pegasus, and a couple rides on the bike with Ry while he gets in some miles this spring!  It has been nice to be able to be outside and enjoy some spring weather.  I am looking forward  to more of that in the upcoming weeks.

Week 22 went by without too much to say and I am starting to feel heavy and uncomfortable some days.  But after my Dr. appointment today I know that I have gained 15 pounds at this point which is still on the low end, but in good range for week 23.  He said that both the heartbeats were strong and sound good!  So we know they are growing and that is very exciting. I only have 14 weeks to go (but who is counting), and I really am not sure where more baby is going to go!?!  I feel stretched to the max and sleeping is only decent every 4th night or so, once I am tired enough to pass out.  One great thing for my peace of mind, they kick ALL the time, so I worry about them much less!
I have gained 15 lbs
The babies are each 11 inches long and over 1 lb! 
I measure at 23 weeks the same as the average singleton pregnancy at 30 weeks!

We FINALLY received our other headboard to replace a broken one that came with the first set of cribs, and we now have the babies room furniture all set and ready to go! I can't wait to share a pic of their room.  But, we have their names above their cribs, so not until May 4th when we share their gender!  Only about a month to go and then the secret will be out!

On the left: Racing at Raleigh one year ago where I would run my 5k PR.

On the right: Action shot, me and the twins on the elliptical. A typical morning for us.

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